February 17, 2016
A seven story $110 million patient care and research tower including surgery suites, intensive care unit, revolutionary proton-beam therapy center. A&S had multiple contracts related to the work in this new patient tower that totaled nearly $2,000,000 in contract value for A&S. In the initial Tower 2 contract, along with over 9,000 sq ft of raised access floors, A&S installed numerous custom acoustical ceiling assemblies ranging from Armstrong Radial Optima to Torsion Spring to customer fabricated Woodworks Tegular planks and custom wood wall treatment. Over half a mile, 2,690 lineal feet, of custom curved “Axiom” decorative trim was installed on levels 3, 4 and 5 alone in the Kay Research and Care Center. Over 12,300 man hours were necessary to complete this project.